Red Peace Lily is commonly called Anthurium Andraeanum or simply Anthurium. Is Peace Lily & Red Peace Lily the same? The blooms of both Peace Lily & Anthurium have striking similarities with a central spike growing from the base of the petals hence the latter is named Red Peace Lily but it is truly not a lily.

Anthurium Andraeanum plants make the atmosphere more pleasant & lively. They add a touch of charm to the surroundings & give you a feeling of joy by adding a warm flavor. These are used as landscaping plants by gardeners & interior designers.

They are also known by the names Flamingo Flower, Laceleaf, Tailflower, Painter’s Palette, etc.

You can easily purchase Anthurium Plant online or you can buy one from a local nursery.

Types & Varieties of Anthuriums

Flamingo flowers or Anthuriums are known for their stunning foliage. There are hundreds of varieties of Anthuriums out there. Below are some of the popular varieties among others:

Anthurium Andraenium

These are sold by retailers commonly under the name “Anthurium”. These are the most commonly sold variety of this species.


Anthurium Scherzerianum

These varieties have long & curled spadix. The leaves are long & tapered.

Anthurium Amnicola (Tulip Anthurium)

These are smaller & compact as compared to their larger varieties. These are hardier than Anthurium Andraenum.


Anthurium Superbum

Anthurium Superbum is a non-flowering variety of Anthuriums. It displays exotic foliage. It has textured big leaves and grows upright.

You can find more information on various varieties on this website.

Red Peace Lily Plant Care

Anthurium plant care becomes easy when you use a terracotta pot to grow your red pace lilies. unglazed terracotta pots allow evaporation of excess water through its fines pores preventing water logging and hence root rot.

Keep them away from frosts or where the winds are really strong.

Anthuriums love humidity. Keep them in a humid environment and they will flourish. Normally they like humidity levels upward of 50%-60%.

Watch this video to know more about it:

Sunlight Requirement of Red Peace Lily Plant

Anthuriums like indirect bright light. These are indoor plants. They can be kept fully indoors however the flowering required bright light and hence keep them in a place that receives bright sunlight. Full shade growth will lead to slower than usual growth & fewer flowers.

Exposure to direct sunlight can cause leaf burn.

They are best suited for USDA zones 10 or above.

Best Soil Type for Anthurium Andraeanum

All types of Anthuriums like Anthurium red, Anthurium white, Anthurium Yellow, Anthurium green, etc., require well-drained soil.

Red Peace Lily likes slightly acidic soil. Soil pH between 5.5 & 6.5 is best suited for these plants.

Keep the soil coarse to allow for better drainage. The soil used for Orchids can also be used for growing Anthurium.

Add cocopeat, pumice, perlite, charcoal powder, etc. to add drainage to the soil.

Anthurium Andraenum is essentially an epiphyte. They grow under the shade of other plants. These are well suited to grow along branches and cliffs and draw nutrition from air. Hence Anthuriums do not like their roots to be surrounded by clayey & sticky fine soil particles.

The roots of Red Peace Lily are fleshy and hence easily susceptible to root rot.

You need to keep your soil really light to prepare a good potting mix for your Red Anthurium. You can use a mix of 25% vermicompost, 20% cocopeat, 30% pumice & 25% plant bark or coconut husk to prepare the potting mix.


Pruning is not required for Anthuriums. You can occasionally remove the brown or yellow leaves or dried flowers and that’s all the pruning Anthurium Andraeniums require.

Blooming Season

The flowers can last for around 6 weeks. These start a lot of new growth in summers (in colder countries) or the spring season (in tropical countries).

The flowers come in different colors depending on the variety like red, pink, purple, and white. They also come in bi-colors like pink-green or red-green, etc.


The blooming starts at the end of the winter season or at the start of the spring season.

Propagation of Anthuriums or Red Peace Lily

Anthurium Andraeanum can be propagated in many ways:

  1. Sowing seeds into the soil
  2. Dividing the root ball into various parts while repotting.
  3. Rooting the cuttings in soil or water

Repotting Anthuriums

Growing Anthurium Red Plant is easy. However, these plants are slow-growing plants. They go dormant in winters in colder regions.

Hence you do not need to re-pot them very fast. Consider repotting only after 2-3 years.

A good sign to look for is Anthuriums or Flamingo flowers tend to push the roots out of the soil or push themselves out of the soil on a woody stalk when trying to expand. This is a good indication that it’s time to give your red peace lily a new home.

Anthuriums can tolerate some duration of root-bound conditions but do not extend the duration for too long.

Watering Routine for Red Peace Lily Plant

Overwatering red peace lilies can lead to root rot. Hence water the plant only when the top soil feels dry.

Red peace lilies can tolerate under-watering to some extent but not overwatering.

Water every 2-3 days in summer and once in 10-14 days in winter. However, I always describe, that the watering routine really depends on the climate and soil type in which the plant is growing.

Fertilizers for Red Peace Lily Plant

You can apply organic fertilizers once in 2-3 months. You can apply vermicompost or dried cow dung compost.

You can add bone meal powder for flowering as it adds phosphorous to the soil which is required by plants to produce blooms.

Diseases of Anthurium Andraeanum

Growing Anthuriums is easy when you know which pests and insects are most likely to attack your plant. Common pests that attack red peace lily are mites, aphids, thrips, caterpillar (eat the leaves), slugs, snails, mealybugs (especially inside the new growth), etc.

Spray the neem oil mixture weekly once to keep your plants pest-free.

Toxicity of Anthurium Andraeanum

All parts of Anthurium or Red Peace lily are poisonous to humans & pets. This plant is toxic in nature & should be kept away from the reach of children & pets.

If consumed, it can cause severe allergic reactions & nausea.

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